Bear Creek Ledger

Archive for June, 2007

The Hunt is on

Here’s a video biography of Fred D. Thompson, it gives a sketch of the evolution of FDT’s career.

I’m even going to shill for Steve Gill here. That alone worries me about myself. Gill’s book – The Fred Factor (no, I haven’t read it…..yet) – gives some context to Fred’s vote for the McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance bill. Although I have seen video where Fred has admitted that this law has not turned out as expected and he questions it’s legitimacy today.

Have a great weekend all. I’ve got family from MN visiting this weekend so I’ll be playing tourist. I’ve been in Tn 21 months now and have not been to the Grand Ole Opry! In fact, I haven’t really done much in terms of checking things out in Nashville. I’ve spent more time in outstate Tn mostly due to Patriot Guard. Mostly though, I can’t wait to spend time with my family.

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Illegals hide in truck engine

Aside from how dangerous this is to do, I wish the Mexicans would direct their energies to changing Mexico.  Mexicans are willing to do some of the craziest and dangerous antics to illegally enter the U.S. but do nothing to change their own country. 

From Immigration Watchdog

When there is action to change it’s from the Socialist/Communist/Marxist factions which is what worries me most about their invasion of our country.  Whenever there is a political movement in Mexico, Central America or South America the movement is away from a market driven economy. 

I say to the pro-illegal alien groups how about helping these people in their home countries channel their energies toward effecting change towards a market economy.  Change the caste system based on skin color which currently exists in Mexico.  Change the level of education.  Change the culture so it will pull them out of a third world status.  Take all your hot air, threats and whining and direct it to the south where the change is most needed.

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ILL Eagle

Bwahahaha…….this is so totally not PC! 


Front Back

The Mission:
Our mission is to inform the American people and it’s leaders about the increasing problem of immigrants crossing our borders illegally in total defiance of American Law and Order. We want to make people aware of the illegal immigration movement so that we can finally put an end to the “invasion” from our neighbors to the south.

Heard about this from someone who called into Phil Valentines radio program.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).  If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate

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It’s DEAD! S.1639/S.1348 – Cloture Vote

Yee Haw.  The people won and the people spoke against amnesty or shamnesty for illegal aliens. 

Nays – 53
Yeas – 46


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A Little Music to encourage our Senators to vote no on cloture today

Here’s a couple songs to get y’all in the mood for today:

Illegals…..the song by Dan Demay

Press 1 for English

The CAII members have been a very prolific bunch in the last day:

CAII Alert for June 26, 2007

Gwinnett County Georgia Fights Back

How the Presidency and America Will Be Changed by Immigration Fraud

President Eisenhower Put Americans First and Closed the Borders

Showdown In San Antonio-Hey Johnny We Are Coming

‘Amnesty’ fake papers pledged in wiretap

The Sellout Of America

George Voinovich on Sean Hannity: Arrogant, Imperious, and Ignorant

As True Today As In 1907

Amnesty Fence-Sitter Blackberry Addresses (Staff Included)

Senate Will Attempt to Invoke Cloture Again Today

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).  If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate

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Wednesday Hero – 06/27/2007

This Weeks Soldier Was Suggested By Jenn

Staff Sgt. Darrell R. Griffin Jr.
Staff Sgt. Darrell R. Griffin Jr.
36 years old from Alhambra, California
2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division
March 21, 2007

“He was a really patriotic young man”, said Darrell Griffin Sr. “He said that the people there really needed us and he felt it was the right place to be. He wished we didn’t have to have wars, but since that’s the way mankind is, he felt he was contributing an important part to his country”.

SSgt. Griffin lost his life in Balad, Iraq when his unit came under fire as it was returning to base after conducting security operations in the Iraqi capital.

The eldest son of six children, SSgt. Griffin worked as an EMT before joining the California Army National Guard in 1999. He enlisted in the Army two years later, and in July 2001, was assigned to the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, in Ft. Lewis, Washington. He served with that unit in Iraq from October 2004 to September 2005.

On his second tour of duty, SSgt. Griffin had been awarded the Bronze Star for valor in 2005 when he was credited with saving the lives of three U.S. and two Iraqi Army soldiers injured during battle in Tal Afar. He had also received the Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Combat Infantry Badge, Expert Infantry Badge, Parachute Badge, and the Meritorious Unit Citation.

“Griff was the type of man you want to have by your side in a fight,” Maj. Brent Clemmer, his former company commander, wrote from Iraq. “He was the type of squad leader every young soldier wants to have”.

“Darrell was my husband, my Soldier, my gift from God who was also the love of my life and always will be.” Said his wife, Diana. “He was also ‘a Soldier’s Soldier of Strength and Honor’ whose commitment to duty, honor and loyalty will be forever remembered by all who know and love him. The news of his death saddens us deeply and we ask for your prayers in our time of grief. Please also continue to keep our Soldiers in your prayers

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.

We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. To find out more about Wednesday Hero, you can go here.

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Sen. Inhofe Secure Borders Petition

Online petition from Sen. James Inhofe:

Members of the United State Senate,

I am one of the millions of Americans who believes our first priority as a nation should be to secure our borders by enforcing existing laws. Amnesty is not the solution.

I urge you to vote against the immigration reform bill currently being considered in the Senate and to oppose any future effort that undermines our national security or grants amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

You can leave a message with your signed petition. Inhofe’s Secure Borders Now Blog


h/t Powerline Blog

CAII News:

Hello Americans, you are now officially obstacles

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate

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The Dirty Two Dozen

That would be the Republican betrayers who voted for cloture on the shamnesty bill (s.1348 or aka s.1639)

Bennett (R-UT)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Burr (R-NC)
Coleman (R-MN)
Collins (R-ME)
Craig (R-ID)
Domenici (R-NM)
Ensign (R-NV)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
Martinez (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)

Remember these Senators. They’d rather have political favors and “pork” than protect and serve the citizens of this country. They’d rather cater to business interest groups who want to exploit slave labor at the expense of American citizens.

They definitely are dirty. I know there are Dhimmicrats who are just as dirty but I’m not a member of the Dhimmicrat Party. If there are Dhimmicrats out there who care about illegal aliens they need to take their politicians to task themselves.

CAII News:

Johnny (satan) Sutton Puts Another Border Agent’s Life At Risk

15 Problems with Senate Bill 1639

U.S. Citizens Disqualified from the Work Force: Goal of Immigration Lawyers

Teddy Kennedy, our designated driver on immigration reform

Senators Begin Paying Piper for Illegal Immigration Treason

Debate on the immigration bill resumes

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate

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Celeb Fashionista

It’s unfortunate that this is too true.  Why is it that the spoiled limousine liberals have a thing for murderous dictators and totalitarian thugs?

h/t Powerline Blog

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Cloture Passes on S.1639

Well – cloture passed on the S.1639 Shamnesty Bill

Ayes – 64
Nays – 35

Some of the ayes – Brownback, Kyl, Gregg, Ensign, Webb……I know that Brownback, Ensign and Webb were uknown until the vote.


**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

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