Bear Creek Ledger

Sick Passenger on “Do Not Board” List Flies Out of Philly

A tuberculosis infected man was allowed to board and fly from Philadelphia to San Francisco even though he is on a “Do Not Board” list. Comforting news, a man with a contagious disease is allowed to fly but they apprehended him after he landed in San Francisco, small comfort to all those passengers on the flight. Course those passengers? They never knew, nor were they informed because US Air didn’t want to cause undue alarm. REALLY.

Is there anything that works correctly with TSA other than targeting grandmothers and nuns?

Sick Passenger on “Do Not Board” List Flies Out of Philly

The man, who’s infected with Tuberculosis, boarded a US Airways bound for San Francisco Saturday, Centers for Disease Control officials said. U.S. Airways confirmed it was Flight 401.

He made it onto the flight even after being added to a “Do Not Board” list provided to the TSA and airlines from the CDC, officials confirmed.

snip….US Airways made the decision not to notify passengers who were on the flight, based on what the CDC told them — that there is little-to-no risk of exposure on a flight less than eight hours. This particular flight was about six hours long, according to Morgant Durrant, a spokesman for the airline.

“We don’t want to incite any undue concern,” Durrant said.

Don’t worry, a man with a highly contagious disease just sat next to you on a 6 hour flight but there’s little or no risk of exposure. A disease which is spread through the air, don’t worry though, you only sat next to this person for 6 hours!

I’m sure that Erroll Southers will be the answer to all of TSA’s problems. After all he’ll go after all those gun toting, bible thumper white Christian terrorists who are the greatest threat to our country

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One Response to “Sick Passenger on “Do Not Board” List Flies Out of Philly”

  • Joe says:

    nothing to see here… move along…. move along…

    Their “minimal risk” is not “no risk” and now why I test positive (for exposure) to TB. I flew overseas several times in the early 90’s and sometime on one of my international flights/visits I became exposed to someone infected. Now I can no longer have the TB test because I react… I have to have the chest xray (thankfully no TB calcifications observed).

    So, thanks U.S. Air. Your diligence now means someone else will have the worry next time the have the TB skin test… and further expense and worry to have a chest xray taken/screened.

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