Bear Creek Ledger

Hmmm. Funny Earth Day is also Lenin’s Birthday.Coincidence, I think not!

It isn’t really a coincidence that Earth Day falls on the day as founder of Communism – Lenin! Isn’t that odd that with 365 days to choose from that Lenin’s Birthday is the chosen day to celebrate Earth Day. But then, EnvironMENTALism is the chosen substitute for Communism. Just follow the dots.

Earth Day Is Lenin’s Birthday – Coincidence or Communism? by Alan Caruba

In 1955, then Soviet Premier, Nikita Krushchev ordered April 22nd be designated a day to celebrate Communism. In 1970, it was chosen to be Earth Day by Gaylord Nelson, one of the founders of the event. Those founders had 365 days from which to choose. They chose Lenin’s birthday.

When Communism was imposed on Russia in 1917, the first thing it did was to outlaw the ownership of private property. Under Communism, the State owns all property and all natural resources. In recent years in the United States, the Clinton-Gore Administration has declared millions of acres of mineral and oil-rich areas to be national monuments. The U.S.government already owns more than forty percent of the nation’s landmass. Individual States own property as well, bringing the total closer to fifty percent. There are measures in Congress right now that would provide a dedicated stream of funding to insure that States will purchase still more property to put off limits to any use or development. The keystone of Capitalism is the ownership of private property. The Founding Fathers felt so strongly about this the Fifth Amendment protects this right, stating that no private property shall be taken for public use without just compensation. Across the nation, however, the government has effectively “taken” private property through such devices as the Endangered Species Act that denies the use of any property on which a listed species is found. Owners of such properties effectively lose them to government control. Wetlands legislation has a similar effect on owners of private property, denying them the use of their property if it is designated a wetland. These are environmental laws.

The similarities between the philosophy and programs advocated by the Greens and totalitarian forms of government are numerous. What better way to undermine the economy of this nation than to deny its citizens the benefits of its natural resources? Even access and use of national parks is being increasingly restricted.

Today, fully a third of all federal laws and regulations are devoted to the so-called “protection of the environment.” They impact property ownership and the use of all energy sources. Vast areas of the U.S., despite known, huge reserves of oil and coal, have been put off limits. Virtually no structure can be built without an environmental impact study being undertaken. Right now, there are Administration efforts to destroy dams providing hydroelectric power in the northwest, ostensibly to save salmon. In countless ways, so-called environmental laws impact our lives, even down to the amount of water one can use to flush a toilet!

Hmmm. Seems to me the Congress just passed MORE legislation restricting land use.

So, instead of celebrating Earth Day, we can all celebrate Lenin’s Birthday. Like all the Dhimmicrat/Progressives have programmed you.

This is what the Leftards want YOU to be driving!

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6 Responses to “Hmmm. Funny Earth Day is also Lenin’s Birthday.Coincidence, I think not!”

  • [...] Toni of Bear Creek Ledger who points out that this is also Lenin’s birthday. Funny coincidence! [...]

  • Allan says:

    Lenin (actual name Ulanov) was born Apr 10th, 1870. I looked it up in the large official soviet encyclopedia. The Russians have no conception of an Earth Day. The rest of the world (northern Hemisphere) celebrates Earth Day at the instant of the vernal equinox March 20th and the Southern hemisphere on Sept 23. At the time Senator Nelson was organizing an environmental teach-in he was intent on not interfering with college breaks, final exams, other religious holidys and such. So he came up with Apr 22nd which puts us out of sync with the rest of the world. Nelson’s only problem is not having an equal number of speakers on both sides of the issue. Equal time is equal time and the far right and far left seem to march to their own drummers. Maybe that is why I am a middle of the road independent voter. Don’t get seduced by anyone (in matters of political opinion). Keep an independent mind and exmine issues and candidates one at a time.

  • MAS1916 says:

    Love the pic! Obama should travel this way if he wants to know where His policies will lead.

    Unfortunately, the Leader believes that He cannot possibly be wrong.

  • UncommonSense says:

    The picture is wrong! There will be no donkey pulling you when the Leftidiots get done with you.

    You see, donkeys are important, you are not. There will be no old truck cab on top of a cart, truck cabs are symbols of dreaded capitalism (ptooey). They will be illegal. There will be no wheels, wheels enabled the soul-killing, world-destroying industrial revolution (double-ptooey).

    There will be only you, walking.

    PS The whip will be in the hands of the OverlorDemocrats, who are really better than you and only they can rule you in the new world odor.

    The above sarcasm was brought to you by UncommonSense… spreading dismay to Liberals as fast as he can.

  • Eric Cotton says:


    “April 10th” in the old Russian (Julian) Calendar, was April 22nd in the Western (Gregorian) Calendar. After the Russian Revolution, they adopted the Gregorian Calendar, and from that day forward, April 22nd was recognized as Vladimir Lenin’s Birthday. At least that was what I learned in Russian Class in college.

  • [...] Reprinted from April 22, 2009 [...]

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