Bear Creek Ledger

Archive for the ‘Bloggers I've Met’ Category

Help Blackfive Win A Scholarship

Matt at Blackfive is one of the top military bloggers.  He’s been one of my go to blogs for years regarding military knowledge.  He’s also a great guy with a heart of gold.  Matt needs your vote and the vote of your friends so spread the news far and wide.

From Blackfive:

There’s a $10,000 scholarship available for bloggers who are in school full time (I also work full time) and I happen to be one of the finalists.

…We were overwhelmed this year with the number of quality applications for our Blogging Scholarship. Instead of racking our brains trying to narrow it down to 10 finalists, we decided having 20 finalists was a better option for all those involved…

The kicker is that it’s done by vote. So, please, go here and vote for Matthew Burden. Voting will end Midnight PST on Oct. 28th.

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Thundering into Kuwait

Thunder Run is now receiving dispatches from it’s own special correspondent who is supporting an Expeditionary Medical Facility.

Go check it out.

Update – another dispatch from TRCNAK: Working with Professionals.

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2007 Milblog Conference Photos

The trip to Washington DC for the 2007 Milblog Conference was a smashing success.  Susan, a PGR friend joined me on the trip.  We arrived on Thursday night in Manassas, Va.  Susan had collected money from her work to buy some entertainment items for wounded soldiers at Walter Reed.  I had collected DVDs and CDs from various sources.  But on Thursday night we went out to spend the money Susan had collected.  I was surprised how many great deals we found quickly on new and used DVDs.  Anyway the Walter Reed visit is another posting.  Friday we drove into Arlington, got to the hotel and I hadn’t even gotten out of the car and some woman came up to my window saying TONI!!!!  It was Deb from Yankee Mom.  They were just leaving the hotel to get something to eat.  Susan and I got checked in, caught the Metro to the Holocaust Museum.  We were so lucky, I think we got to the museum before the big tour buses arrived.  Had about a 20 minute wait for a 12:15 tour.  Unfortunately we had to kind of hurry so we could be back to the hotel by 3pm.  We needed to meet the PGR couple (Ann & Ted) by 4pm for our visit to Walter Reed. 

One of the odd pieces of information I learned from the visit to the Holocaust Museum….I watched this short documentary on the 1936 Olympics which were held in Germany with Adolph Hitler as the host.  So there was much controversy on whether the US Team should be in attendance.  Most major news outlets in the US were against the US Team competing.  However there were two major newspapers in favor and this is what I found interesting……..they were the Los Angeles Times and the Minneapolis Star & Tribune!  Ah, yes, the Red Star hasn’t changed much in all these years.  There isn’t a dictator or tyrant they don’t love, adore and promote. 

Susan and I missed most of the cocktail reception on Friday evening since we were at Walter Reed.  We did get there at the end though.  Here’s a couple photos from the reception:

Carren & myself

Greta, me and Deb (and then walking off on the right is Theresa)

On Saturday morning the conference began with a video message from President Bush to the milblog conference.

I was going to post photos of the panels and panelists but if you want great roundup of links, photos and what was said then I suggest you go to Gateway Pundit who also has video.  Go here ,here, here and here.

Do check out what Robert Stokely had to say at Gateway Pundit.  What a wonderful man, it was such a pleasure to meet him in person.

After the conference many gathered at the bar.  I had a chance to talk with Andi’s hubbie (actually I probably talked his ear off!).  I was looking for a cup of coffee towards the end of the conference and ran into Consul-at-Arms!  Had no idea he was going to be there.  That was a pleasant surprise.  It was also wonderful to get a hug from Sgt. Hook who will deploying again in the near future.

Me, Carla and Mrs. G.

Of course there’s one of my favorite young Army wives – and that’s Sarah.

If you’ve never gone out to dinner with Chuck this is a sample of what goes on….

Never a dull moment!

Update – May 8th

Got this photo from SK Diva and couldn’t resist posting it.  It’s Greta and I posing for JP Borda the creator of the Beef Jerky Wars, he got sent lots of boobas (I think it was boobas – they’re a goofy looking doll) and of course  JP was supposed to be a focal figure at the 2007 Milblog Conference, his lame excuse for not attending?  He’s training to get deployed again.  Oh yeah, right……

It was great to see everyone and hear what was said with the panels along with the questions.  Wish I’d gotten a photo of myself and Rachelle, Sammy (Joan), Andi (who was very busy) but did get to say hi to Dadmanly, just found out American Soldier was there with his Mrs AS and I didn’t get to meet them and now I’m wondering who else was there that I didn’t meet! 

Disclaimer:  I’m already apologizing to those I forgot to mention, by the end of dinner Saturday night I was so tired it was back to the hotel and bed to get ready for the long drive home on Sunday.

Here’s the link from Andi’s World to What they’re saying (about the 2007 Milblog Conference) from attendees at the conference.

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Go Here

Just found the milblog Desert Flier who’s a flight/trauma nurse deployed to Iraq. H/T Sandbox.

And read The Thunder Run.…David has given Bear Creek Ledger some nice linkies lately. Need to return the gesture. Thunder Run always has a great roundup of military operations around the world. And I’m pretty sure I met David at last years Milblog Conference.

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Rally in Memphis for These Colors Don’t Run Caravan

Move America Forward – These Colors Don’t Run Caravan Rally in Memphis.When we left Franklin the sun was shining and it was looking to be a beautiful day….until we neared Memphis!  The sky was overcast with intermittent rain.  But at least it was just a few drops.  The caravan arrived.When we left Franklin the sun was shining and it was looking to be a beautiful day….until we neared Memphis!  The sky was overcast with intermittent rain.  But at least it was just a few drops.  The caravan arrived.

When we left Franklin the sun was shining and it was looking to be a beautiful day….until we neared Memphis!  The sky was overcast with intermittent rain.  But at least it was just a few drops.  The caravan arrived.Rolling Thunder was actually leading the caravan into town but I didn’t get a photo til they’d parked.

About the time we finished with The Pledge and the Move America Forward folks were setting up their equipment the rain started to steadily fall. THEN the deluge arrived! Yep and it got worse, luckily Coletta’s has a decent sized carport for the small crowd to take cover from the sheets of rain. We heard from John Ubladi (an Iraq war veteran) who is also a part of the Move America Organization. We then heard from parents who had lost sons in the war.

Wendy Argel carries a poster with a picture of her son Capt. Derek Argel and a “Surrender is not an Option” banner. She wants all to know that Cindy Sheehan does not speak for her.

Deborah Johns from Marine Corps Moms (whose son has returned to Iraq) also had a few words to say about supporting our troops.

I don’t as of yet have a photo presenting our flag but did catch a photo of the infamous blogger John Farmer from BCR taking a photo of me!

This was a fun event, I only wish more people would have turned out to support these great Americans!

UPdate – March 20th

I received a couple more photos.  This one is where I’m presenting the flag flown over the Tn State Capitol (unfortunately another woman stepped in the way of Janet who’s taking the picture).

These Colors Don't Run

These Colors Don't Run

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Blogger Meet

I'm still traveling around Minnesota but on Sunday I met up with Kelly of The Patriette and Tracy from one of my favorite Minnesota blogs, Anti-Strib.

I noticed that Tracy recently did a post confirming or refuting recent statements made on illegal alien "facts" which many bloggers have been using based on an article posted by the LA Times. Here's the result of Tracy's investigation:  Mostly correct data dismissed by Pro-illegal faction ,

BTW – Kelly looks wonderful and is just as cute and funny as ever.  Here's a shocker, it's cold in Minnesota, like in the 50's, cloudy and rainy.  I had a great visit with my Parents and of course my Mother and I went shopping.  Last night I got together with some old friends and neighbors, we ate at a place out in the country called "The Ox Yoke".  There's alot of golfers and horse people that frequent the place.  Most of the food is standard American fair, if you're on a diet this is not the place to eat. 

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Formerly from a lake in Minn., Now
from a holler in Tennessee.


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