Bear Creek Ledger

Michelle Obama’s Black Separatist Musings

Talk about Jewish guilt or Catholic guilt? How about Black guilt? Michelle Obama’s 1985 thesis reeks of Black Separatism, yet here she is today with her hubby ( Barack Hussein Obama) wanting to lead the U.S. and all Americans. Michelle says she can’t remember what she wrote back in 1985 yet she and hubby are members of a Black Separatist church.

Sing, o muse, the wrath of Michelle

Barack Obama, I argued, evinces a preternatural sangfroid, for he is in America but not of it, a Third World anthropologist profiling Americans. But his wife’s anger at America will out, for it is a profound rage amplified by guilt.

I learned a new word today, it’s sangfroid, to be cool and composed. So Obama is unusually composed. Just an aside to this article. Couldn’t help but note this.

I’m not going to include the clips from Michelle Obama’s thesis but to the link for this story to read the specific excerpts. Her writing is somewhat convoluted and labored. I’d rather quote the above article.

Hopelessness, young Michelle sought to demonstrate, afflicts black Princeton students who are torn between loyalties to the black community and the pursuit of success. Her thesis tabulated the results of a questionnaire sent to black students at Princeton on their attitudes towards the black community and themselves. She drew a bright line between “separatist-pluralist” attitudes, that is, rejecting assimilation into white America, and an “integrationist-assimilationist” stance. Clearly her sympathies lay with black separatism.

But see Michelle sold out, hence the Black guilt.

To the young Michelle’s sense of hopelessness about the prospects for the black lower class, Princeton added something even worse, namely guilt over “striving for many of the same goals as my White classmates – acceptance to a prestigious graduate or professional school or a high paying position in a successful corporation”. Despite her black separatist sympathies, Michelle Vaughn Robinson succumbed to the temptations of which she wrote in her thesis and got a law degree from Harvard, earning around $400,000 a year in salary and corporate director fees by 2005.

Her “hopelessness”, “frustration” and “disappointment” remain, exacerbated by guilt over her own success. That is not speculation, but a precis of her own account. One might speculate that the guilt became all the more poignant to the extent her success was unearned. Michelle Obama’s employer, The University of Chicago Hospitals, paid her $121,910, a reasonable sum for the skill level evident in her thesis, but raised this to $316,952 shortly after her husband was elected US senator.

Unlike her husband, whose focus on his audience is unwavering, Michelle Obama remains at the mercy of the same internal conflict that she reported in her senior thesis. She is too bitter at the hopelessness of lower-class blacks to assimilate, but too attracted to money and privilege to reject white society. She hates the white institutions that made her prosperous, not only because they cannot solve the problems of the black lower class, but even more so because they made her feel guilty about her own success.

This belief in Black Separatism does nothing but promote and aggravate issues of racism in the U.S. I hope the supporters of “The Obamas” are ready to turn back the clock on race relations here in the U.S.

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